Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How to Lose Your Weight without Consuming Slimming Products

How to Lose Your Weight without Consuming Slimming Products

Do you have obesity? Have you ever wanted to lose your weight but having a trauma going to the gym? Or have you ever been on a diet but always failed? If that is the case, it is probably because of your wrong action or your wrong way of doing a diet.
How to lose your weight?

1. Thinking before eating

To have a healthy body, you have to start a healthy habit. Eating with a good diet can help awake the body to remain in a healthy state. It can also help to lose weigh naturally.
First, drink before eat. If you drink before eat, it will make your stomach became noticeably fuller so your eating portion will be diminishing. Second, use a small plate. Rather than eating three times a day in a large portion, it will be better to eat at least 5-6 times a day in a small portion. If you still hungry, you have to wait until 20 minutes. This is the best effective way to lose your weight. Third, share your meals. If you are already full but there are still some foods left, then keep it or share it with your friends. Four, do not eat fried foods. By eating the fried foods, you will keep the saturated fat which can cause high cholesterol. It is better to consume the boiled, steamed, or baked food in order to avoid the fat.

2. Exercising regularly

Exercising is one of the best ways to burn you calories. Give yourself some time to exercise regularly. It will not only reduce your calories, but also help you to stay healthy. You can do sit-up, push-up, jogging, badminton, and so on. 

3. Having enough sleep

Obesity is not only coming from the food but also because of the lack of sleep. People who have lack of sleep will have more weigh rather than people with enough sleep. Most people need to sleep 8 hours a day.

4. Reduce your stress

Stress and bad mood will increase your appetite that will impact on your weigh. Healthy mindset will support the success of a healthy diet.

5. Avoid soft drinks

Consuming the carbonated beverages frequently can destroy your effort in losing weight. This is because the content of a small bottle of soda contains approximately 250 calories and all of them are from sugar. Besides not healthy, soft drinks also will make your body get a high risk of obesity and diabetes.

6. Drink mineral water

Be sure to consume mineral water to avoid dehydration. Consume it at least eight glasses of water per day.

There are many ways to lose weight. You just have to be diligent and pay attention to your life style. If you can be disciplined in doing things above, the ideal and healthy body will you get. A healthy body, a healthy live. 

Sources : Google.com

Monday, June 29, 2015

Traditional Ways to Reduce Cough - Simple and Easy

Coughing happens when bacteria, viruses, pollen, dust, or other substances interfere with the air cavity between throat and lungs. Coughing is a natural way for the body to overcome these obstacles. The way is remarkable. A human can cough at an average speed of 100 km/h, and it can generate enough air to fill a soda bottle with a capacity of two liters up to ¾. The air produces from coughing can gush up to several feet with 3000 droplets of saliva.

Mostly, people consider the ordinary cough as something annoying, not as a health problem although it has side-effects such as chest pain, fatigue, and itching in the throat. It is often complained by the patients that it has a tendency to cause interference in quiet areas. It is also quite disturbing at night due to the cold air which can cause the itching feeling in the throat.

While many people are treated cough by buying generic drugs, the experts said that most of the drugs are only wasting your money. The often you consume drugs, the less effective they are.
So, how can you overcome cough without using the generic drugs which are not effective and has side-effect? Of course, you can use natural remedies. Here are some ways to get over your cough.

1. Drink plenty of fluids

Consuming large amounts of fluid can help treat cough. Fluids help reduce the lenders at the postnasal and preserve the membrane moisture which can help reduce coughing.

2. Homemade cough syrup

There is scientific evidence stating that honey can effectively treat cough and itchy throat. You can directly drink it or mix it with coconut oil and lemon juice to obtain the additional benefits.

3. Ginger and white turmeric

Ginger and white turmeric contain antibiotics that can help increase body resistance. It also warms the body. Cut them into pieces then boiled with water. Drink it once per day. 

4. Mint tea

The mint leaves have healing effects because it contains the peppermint oil or menthol. It is an approved drug for treating coughs, upper respiratory tract infection, bronchitis, and phlegm. It can relieve cough by relaxing the tracheal muscles and reducing inflammation. You can make a mint tea by brewing two tablespoons of mint tea leaves in a cup of boiling water for ten minutes then strain. You can add honey and lemon to add the flavor and benefits.

5. Hot water shower

Prepare hot water and close all the door and windows. Steam can be the worst enemy for cough and your best friend in treating cough. Steam works by calming the air cavity and loosen sinuses and phlegm in your throat and lungs.

6. Bilimbi

Bilimbi is quite famous with its sour taste. Despite the sour taste, it also serves as an option to treat cough. It is quite easy. First, prepare ten pieces of bilimbi. Wash it thoroughly and puree. Add a little water and salt. Stir it then strain. Drink the juices every morning and evening.

Sources : Google.com

Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Simple Detox by Drinking Warm Water

Poisons or toxins produced by the food eaten. Unhealthy food cannot be absorbed by the body, so that the poison could stick to the intestine. Detox is especially useful for removing toxins in the intestines of toxins through sweat, urine and feces. If these toxins do not remove, it can cause various diseases. The worst diseases of the toxins accumulate in the colon is colon cancer. To perform one of detoxification are very expensive, but also should be accompanied with supporting products for expenditure toxins. Right now you can do detox free and easy. That is by using warm water.
How to detox using warm water are as follows:
Drink warm water before going to bed and when you wake up, keep your body becomes sweaty afterwards. If the warm water cannot make you sweat, add a little hot water. When the body sweats, it indicates that your body temperature is rising. When body temperature increases the toxins will be excreted through sweat, the rest are excreted in urine and feces. Do it regularly so that the toxin could be wasted. Maximum results can be added with some lemon juice and honey.
Bowel movement will be smoother if you consume warm water. Warm water can prevent you from excessive thirst or dehydration. If you are dehydrated, you can be exposed to constipation. People affected by constipation will feel pain during defecation and also cause pain. The warm water that you drink can prevent dehydration and outlines nutrients are still attached to the digestive organs. Warm water can also make food particles become softer. Softer food particles make bowel movements more smoothly. 

References : 9trendingtopic.blogspot.com, www.galamedianews.com
Picture : google.com

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Unexpecting Benefits of Dragon Fruit Skin for Health and Beauty

Pitaya or commonly known as Dragon fruit is one of the popular fruit lately. It was originally derived from Mexico, South America and Central America. Dragon fruit tree is similar to a cactus. The fruit taste very fresh and very high water content with a mild sweetness making it suitable for material ice mix, juice, pudding, and others.
While enjoying the dragon fruit, we definitely will peel the outer skin parts and just enjoy the flesh.
Dragon fruit skin is thick and scaly, but not hard as other scaly fruit. Many studies stated that dragon fruit is very nutritious. However, don’t you know that the skin also has many benefits? Below are the benefits of dragon fruit skin for health and beauty:

Maintain the flexibility of blood vessels
Dragon fruit skin contains active compounds which potentially kept blood vessels to remain flexible so it does not easily break when it gets high blood pressure from the heart.

Detecting harmful chemicals from the food you eat 

Currently, most of the foods on the market contain preservatives and dyes. Unfortunately, some preservatives and dyes used contain harmful chemicals that can damage health. Dragon fruit skin can help you detect whether the food contains harmful chemicals or not.

The trick: Soak pieces of dragon fruit in fresh water and mix with lemon juice. Dip the tissue in the soaking water, and then stick it on food. If the tissue turns white, then the food is safe from preservatives. Conversely, if the tissue remains red, then these foods contain dyes.

Inhibit cancer cell growth
According to the results of research in Taiwan, it turns out that red dragon fruit skin extract can inhibit the growth of B16F10tumor cells. That’s because antioxidants in the skin of the dragon fruit is very high, so it is effective for counteracting exposure to free radicals that cause cancer.

Moisturize and smooth the skin
High water content in the dragon fruit skin is also beneficial to moisturizer and smooth your skin.

The trick: blend of dragon fruit skin, and then add milk. Skin masks dragon fruit is ready to help keep your skin moist. You can also apply directly dragon fruit skin to the blackened feet caused by the accumulating of dead skin cells.

Natural fertilizer
Instead of throwing it into your trash, it will be good if used as a natural fertilizer to fertilize your plants. You can cut it into small pieces, and put/bury in the soil near the plant.

Those are some of the benefits of dragon fruit skin. Hopefully, it can inspire you. 

References : http://m.log.viva.co.id and google.com