Saturday, March 26, 2016

Simple Tricks for Girls Bedroom Designs on a Budget

Every little girl needs a room where she can play, recharge her energy, and dream. However, it often happens, when parents want to redesign her daughter’s room, they are constrained by a limited budget. Suggestions regarding the girls bedroom designs on a budget are one of the most sought after of the home decorator. Girls just looking for a way to express their creativity by playing in her room and the parents are just looking for a way to save a few dollars while doing it either for paint the wall, storage solution, or a way to make the room look a little brighter. Here are ideas for girls bedroom designs on a budget which includes simple tricks and tweaks that will not spend all of your money but still have a serious impact style.

Keep it simple and qualified

Unless you suddenly got a sack of money, do not use branded furniture and stick to the basics. Most children will not see whether their stuff in the room is branded or not, they just want things to look nice. However, do not overlook the quality. Buy furniture that will last for a long time, perhaps until your daughter is going through her high school time, and perhaps beyond that. Choose classical furniture with functional pieces that can easily adapt to the changing needs of your child. One thing that is typical of children, they have pretty much trinkets and stuff starting from textbooks to toys. Therefore, prepare a large enough storage space to accommodate all their trinkets. You can buy a bed that has storage underneath to save space as shown below.

Don’t be overbroad

Just because they will decorate their daughter’s room, many parents are overbroad in applying the patterns, colors, decorations, themes, and lighting fixtures. Remember, as they get older, your daughter’s tastes and preferences will change. If she likes one of the Disney princesses now, she may not want to sleep in the same place with the same theme for four to five years ahead. Therefore, it would be better if you think "disposable" things. Furniture that only lasted for two or three-year is time-consuming and expensive. You also may not need to buy new furniture. You can buy secondhand furniture and decorate them one by one. But remember, although the colors and patterns is a child-friendly but they should be able to grow with your daughter.

Be creative

Instead of buying new furniture, why do you not use the existing furniture? Think of new ways to use your existing furniture. Take a good look at the elements that exist in your daughter’s bedroom, including walls, floor coverings and furniture. Then, think about the color scheme and style of what is right for your child's room. You can change the wall color by repainting it or using wallpaper or stickers. Wallpaper is much cheaper when compared to paint. Additionally, papering also much easier and you have more choice of motifs and colors to choose from. Engraved a little paint can brighten a dull cupboard. A small rug taken from another room can disguise the imperfect floor and create a playroom. Change a boring, plain curtain into a cute curtain by using tiebacks ribbon. Alternatively, you can get a new curtain by sewing it by yourself. Buy an inexpensive yet quality fabric and sewing the curtains. If you cannot sew, you can learn through magazines or the internet. Do not hesitate to express your imagination.

Choose durability than the look

Choose a fabric that is durable and easy to care such as cotton, chenille, and canvas. Tightly woven fabrics also tend to be better and last longer. Avoid choosing a linen or silk because it will not last long with heavy usage. To reduce smudges and handprints on the walls, choose paint with a satin finish. Meanwhile, in choosing the furniture, avoid choosing laminated wooden furniture because it is often less durable than stained woods. A child's bedroom is also not the right place for a grandmother’s antique armoire.

Rearranging furniture

Have limited funds? Why not try to rearrange the furniture in your daughter's room? Sliding bed into different areas and put the cabinet in different places. Tadaa!! You have given a new looked in your daughter's room for free!


The last stage in girls bedroom designs on a budget is to provide a "sweetener". You can put a small table lamp or wall display such as photographs of your child or when you are on family vacation. You also can frame your daughter's work and place it on the wall. Additionally, you can also provide exhibition space to show the creativity of your daughter. Provide one side of the wall with magnetic or cork boards to display the works of their tiny hands.

How is it? It is easy, isn’t it? Many things you can do on girls bedroom designs on a budget.


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Lowongan Dosen Tetap UNUSIDA

Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo juga dikenal dengan UNUSIDA atau UNU Sidoarjo adalah salah satu universitas perguruan tinggi swasta Islam yang berlokasi di Sidoarjo, Indonesia. UNUSIDA merupakan bagian dari Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Nahdlatul Ulama (APTINU), Perguruan Tinggi yang berafiliasi dengan Nahdlatul Ulama.

UNUSIDA membuka kesempatan bagi publik untuk bergabung menjadi DOSEN TETAP.

Program Studi :

  • Akuntansi (AK)
  • Sistem Informasi (SI)
  • Teknik Informatika (TI)
  • Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV)

Persyaratan :

  • Pendidikan minimal S2

Tata Cara Pendaftaran :

CV bisa diantar langsung ke Bagian Kemahasiswaan, Kerjasama & Alumni UNUSIDA
Jl. Monginsidi Dalam, Kav DPR, Sidoklumpuk, Sidoarjo, Kec. Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61218            
Tlp. 031 7970999/8079900


Mengirim dokumen

  • Surat Lamaran
  • Scan Ijasah / SKL & Transkrip pendidikan S1 & S2
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Scan KTP

Ke email :
Hadi Ismanto, M.Pd.
Ka. Biro BAAK

Paling lambat pada 16 April 2016

Monday, March 14, 2016

4 Alasan Anda Tidak Berhasil Membuang Beberapa Kilo Terakhir

taken from:

Sedang berjuang menurunkan beberapa kilo terakhir? Berikut ini 4 penyabotase penurunan berat badan yang mungkin menghalangi jalan Anda.

1. Energi cair
Kurang padat dan mudah untuk dikonsumsi secara berlebihan. Smoothie dan jus mungkin tampak seperti pilihan yang sehat, tetapi bisa mengandung banyak gula dan kalori. Kurangi minuman manis. Pikirkan baik-baik mengenai kebiasaan minum alkohol dalam jangka panjang dan kurangi kebiasaan tersebut.

2. Ukuran porsi makan
Makan perlahan dan gunakan piring yang lebih kecil.

3. Makan tanpa berpikir
Kita hidup dalam budaya dimana makanan mudah tersedia. Jauhkan makanan ringan dari pandangan Anda untuk menghindari godaan dan makan berlebihan.

4. Tidak cukup protein
Tidak cukup serat dan/atau protein dapat membuat Anda makan secara berlebihan. Kedua nutrisi tersebut harus ada setiap kali Anda makan. Protein juga penting untuk pemeliharaan massa otot.

Jadi, bagaimana caranya agar Anda tetap berada di jalur yang tepat?

Pikirkan tentang nilai-nilai inti Anda dan apa yang Anda inginkan dari kehidupan ini. 
Apa saja yang bisa membuat Anda bahagia? Mungkin kesehatan sebagai prioritas tertinggi Anda dan Anda ingin merasa lebih baik dan memiliki lebih banyak energi? Sekarang lihat langkah-langkah kecil yang dapat Anda lakukan sesuai dengan nilai-nilai ini.

Temukan sesuatu yang cocok untuk anda. 
Tidak suka pergi ke gym? Maka jangan memaksakan diri untuk pergi. Sebaliknya temukan sesuatu yang bisa Anda nikmati (mungkin yoga, bushwalking, pole dancing atau underwater hockey lebih sesuai dengan gaya Anda?). Jika Anda memanjakan diri dengan olahraga yang bisa Anda hargai dan nikmati, Anda akan lebih bahagia dan lebih termotivasi.

Terbuka pada perubahan. 
Hanya karena lari maraton membawa dampak yang baik lima tahun yang lalu, tidak berarti bahwa berlari masih merupakan pilihan terbaik bagi Anda saat ini. Dengarkan kebutuhan tubuh Anda dan beralih ke rutinitas kebugaran baru jika perlu.

Miliki harapan yang realistis. 
Jika berat badan Anda di bawah 100 kg, maka sangat tidak aman atau realistis untuk mencoba menurunkan berat badan lebih dari 0,5 kg per minggu. Jika Anda memiliki berat badan antara 100 sampai 150 kg, maka menurunkan satu kg per minggu bisa tercapai, dan jika lebih dari 150 kg, maka dua kg per minggu dapat dianggap sehat.