Thursday, September 24, 2015

Tips on Choosing Clothes for Skinny People

Having an ideal body shaped is everybody’s dream since it will ease us to “make over” ourselves as what we want, especially in maintaining the appearance that we have in terms of clothing. Perhaps many of us think that the problem of selecting clothes is only felt by those who are overweight. It is not true. In fact, those who have a thin body shape also had a similar problem when trying to choose clothes that will be worn.
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That's why here I will describe to you all the tips on choosing clothes for skinny people. Among these are the following.

Choose an appropriate size

Do not wear too press body clothes or too loose clothes because it will give a bad effect to your appearance. We recommend that you choose a size that is slightly larger than the size of your body to eliminate the impression of skinny or even “walking skull”. However, do not go overboard, because the clothes that seem loose will make your body look even thinner.

Wear horizontal line pattern 

If you choose a dress that has stripes, you should choose a dress with a pattern of transverse or horizontal. Otherwise you are strongly advised not to choose a dress with a pattern of vertical lines or perpendicular. Why? This is because the transverse stripes on the shirt will give the impression look fatter on its use, while vertical lines will make your body appear taller and thinner.

Select clothes with thick material

Select materials that can make your body appear fuller. Selecting clothes made of thick yet comfortable material is one of the best alternatives dressed that should be done by people who have a thin body. The first reason is because if you wear clothes with thick and comfortable fabric, your curves will not be visible and you will look fuller. The second reason, if you choose to wear a slight and less transparent shirt, it is just the same as showing off your body. As a result, it will not look good and unpleasing both for yourself and the person who happened to see you. So you should always be aware of how you should pick out clothes with a particular material for a thin body.

Those are some tips on choosing clothes for skinny people. Hopefully, you can improve your appearance to look cooler and pretty by considering the tips above. See you!

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