Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Reasons Why Sometimes Time Feels Like It Passes Quicker

This is the reason why sometimes time feels like it passes quicker - Have you ever felt like the time goes very quickly? For example, you see a friend who has had two children, and think it feels like just yesterday that you and your friends are spending the days in college, and eventually you realize that was indeed the past decades have passed.
Almost all adults have experienced feelings like the above events, but how could the time be able to run faster, while everyone passing the same time based on the place in this hemisphere. Dealing with such matters, we will try to share information about the reason why sometimes time feels like it passes quicker. launch of the site, described by two senior researchers, Muireann Irish (Neuroscience Research Australia) and Claire O'Callaghan (Behavioral and Clinical Neuroscience Institute at the University of Cambridge), human perception of time is influenced by several factors, namely the level of focus, emotional state (mood), and physical states. Now, let's try to follow each explanation.

Level of Focus
Now, at a time when we feel can be noticeably faster, this happens when our focus level is divided, for example when we are busy with several things at once, time seems to be quickly passed. This is because when doing multitasking activities, our attention at the time was very low.

Emotional Circumstances
The emotional state of an event also influences our perception of time. Negative emotional states such as feeling sad or depressed, have the effect that is able to make the time seemed slower. It is inversely proportional, when the emotional state of a person in a state of positive, such as feeling happy, then the resulting perception makes time becomes noticeably faster.

Physical State
Human perception of time is also influenced by the physical state, it is indicated when the time was distorted when a person is getting to be old. People over the age of 60 years are often reported, the time to be more varied, as the noticeably faster or vice versa. Anomaly perception of time when we get older may be related to a number of cognitive processes required. For example, how much attention should be given to perform certain tasks, and how effectively we can divide attention to some of the tasks that occur at the same time.

Well, do you now understand how the perception of time can sometimes be noticeably faster? Thus the brief information that can we share this time. Hopefully it can be useful. 

Sources : Taken from many sources

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Everlasting Energy of Mrapen Eternal Flame

Mrapen eternal flame actual location is in the Manggarmas village, District Godong, Grobogan. It is not too difficult to achieve. It only takes about 40 minutes by private vehicle, from Semarang city. Mrapen flame is a typical tourist attraction located on the edge of the main road Semarang-Purwodadi, the capital of Grobogan.

However, it is not easy to find it since there are almost no directions that can guide tourists to the site. In addition, the board clue to the location of the tourist attraction that stands at the roadside is now broken. A sign of iron, which was built by Grobogan District Government, now the color is dull and flaking.

Rubiyanto, the owner’s son of the Mrapen eternal flame location, a few moments ago, told Reuters at his residence, admitted, about 14 years there has never been more care to the tourist attraction. In fact, almost every year before the commemoration of Vesak Holy Tri, people always visited it for the sacred fire ceremony.

Purwanto, a guide at the Mrapen eternal flame, admitted, many tourists are disappointed because it is not maintained. In addition, tourists are not getting adequate services.

Indeed, the Mrapen eternal flame visitors were only had to pay Rp 500 per person. But that does not mean they have to be disappointed because it actually has complete potential as a tourist attraction. Object of tourist arrivals was not just one, but there are other objects.

Mrapen eternal flame is believed to be used by Empu Supa, a well known kris maker in Keraton Demak Bintoro, to burn the metal to be forged. It is called eternal flame because the fire was discovered in 1447 by Sunan Kalidjaga was never extinguished. It had been shrinking in1996, but still there is a gas and the fire could flare again when lured with a flammable substance.

On top of the fire pit was now given a pile of limestone so that the fire did not spread everywhere. Mrapen eternal flame is not only used in the celebration of Vesak, but also for the national sport like the torch was taken to National Sports Week (PON) X / 1989, PON XVI / 1996, Games Ganefo 1963, and the National Sports Week Journalists.

Besides the eternal flame, it also exists Watu Bobot, stones to assess the intentions of someone which is believed to be the relics of Sunan Kalidjaga, and Sendang Duda, lake near the eternal flame. It has murky watery and always frothing, as boil. Sendang Duda water is believed to cure various diseases. The lake was formerly used by Empu Supa to cool down the kris forged.

source : and

Monday, July 27, 2015

Do This 9 Preparation Before Marriage

There are so much to be prepared before marriage, certainly physically, hearth and financial should be ready and prepared. But the most important thing is mental preparation.

Getting married is one of the most important moments in the life of a human being after birth and death. The life after marriage is a period of time for the lifetime. Therefore, in order not to regret in the future, check out the following tips.

1. Convey expectations before marriage.

Our expectations of the couple must be submitted to the concerned before marriage. Let your partner can at least strive to meet those expectations. Or, if the spouse has met the expectations, it could be more convinced that he was the right partner.

2. Throw away high expectations.

Why? If you throw away your high expectation, it can make you relax so you will not be disappointed if your partner gives short expectations.
The easiest, suppose we wish our spouses help each other in domestic affairs but do not forget for the expectation. It can be cultivated little by little in order to meet our expectations. Make your couple change with your kindness and sincerity.

3. Ready to strive to realize the expectations of your couple.

Your couple should also say his expectation so you can be prepared and tried to realize the hope. Carefully, you are trying to bring their dream come true.

 4. Prepare to live alone

Leave the influence of parents because they cannot interferer your marriage life. We must be prepared that we will have to live apart from parents. Forget the past and ready to go with our partner

5. Preparing for the couple new habits

Each person has different habits, therefore the ability to understand and adapt is very important for example, if the husband turned off the lights to sleep but the wife wants to turn it on.

6. Be more communicative person

Marriage is combining two person become one. We cannot take care of household alone. It should be both, and everything should be delivered, so do not be ashamed or afraid to say something.

7. Important: premarital medical checkup!

This is important, but often overlooked. Before the wedding, it is necessary check your health and your partner, including fertility check plus perform immunizations. The most common is the examination of TORCH: Toxoplasmosis, Other (syphilis), Rubella, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), and Herpes simplex virus (HSV). Some people think this section is not essential, but the openness of health problem is required. Its function, among other things, will prevent the transmission of disease, detecting congenital abnormalities, and check their fitness.

8. Always oriented on self learning

Usually when a lover was too late to pick up or cancel a date will make you think of all sorts. Well, this kind of thought must be removed when you are married.
Too much negative thinking will make you suspicious and do not believe your couple. In fact, all the suspicions are not necessarily baseless. Disbelief could be the origin of the destruction of your marriage life.

9. Never ever thought to be divorced

Every walk of life will get the ordeal, likewise with marriage. However, marriage is a commitment, so it should be maintained.

So, are you ready to get married? 


Friday, July 24, 2015

Eating Fatty Food During Eid? Neutrilized with This Way

In Eid you might be consuming many delicious dishes containing many bad fats. Chicken curry, vegetable rhombus, rendang, sambal goreng kentang are some menus that are never absent during Eid.

Obviously, no one wants to hospitalized because of consuming bad fat, isn’t it? Therefore, you should neutralize it with rows of fruit and other healthy foods to keep your body healthy despite eating a menu containing oil and coconut milk resulting in cholesterol.

As quoted from various sources, the following tips are able to rejuvenate the body after eating food containing cholesterol.

1. Increase consumption of lemon will treat digestive problems and minimizing the possibility of dehydration which can inhibit fat burning. Lemon also has potential to help the fat burning process.

2. Calcium, balancing with high calcium-containing foods such as milk, yogurt also can eradicate the bacteria that grow after eating the typical menus of Eid.

3. Consumption of water, minimize dehydration becomes a major help to avoid the symptoms after Eid due to eating a high-fat menu. Drinking water can prevent inflammation.

4. Garlic, this herb is able to neutralize and detoxify toxins and also reduce fat deposits in our body. Garlic is also good to lower bad cholesterol that sticks to the walls of blood vessels.

5. Apples play a role in detoxification
because they contain pectin fiber which helps remove toxins in the body.

And the most important thing is exercise; exercise is the key factor to live a healthier life. Without exercising, a person will not get the beautiful body shape and positive thoughts.

source :